- Amanda
- June 30, 2020
Can we really achieve the Governments recycling targets by 2030?

The national Committee for Committee on Climate Change (CCC) has recently submitted its annual report to Government and it’s specifically mentioned that the planned reforms to local authority recycling collections should be “significantly accelerated” so they are achieved by 2024 instead of 2035.
What does this mean?
The CCC firmly believes that within five years the UK could and should dramatically increase its reuse and rates of recycling, by enabling local authorities to invest heavily within the national recycling infrastructure so that biodegradable waste can be properly processed rather than being sent to landfill. So, all local authorities across England should be delivering a uniformed and separated waste collection and recycling service by 2022 – 2024 rather than 2023 – 2035 with food and garden waste being processed within composting facilities.
It’s also important for the Environmental Bill to be properly understood and used to ensure a ban on landfilling of municipal and non-municipal biodegradable wastes from 2025 which will more than help the government reach its 70% recycling target throughout England by 2030.
If that target were reached it would help to gradually decrease the amount of waste that is exported as well as reducing fossil emissions from energy from waste plants.
But how is this really going to be achieved?
It is clear that local authorities and independent waste and recycling centres are going to have to work together ensuring that the proper processes, equipment, and facilities are available to process as much waste as possible, in the right way. That is where we come in!
With a specialist range of conveyor systems that support all types of materials processing, recycling and waste management, Coveya is continuing to work closely with waste and recycling sites throughout the UK, providing conveyors that increase productivity, efficiency and capacity so that waste materials can be managed and processed as economically and as thoroughly as possible. We believe we have an important part to play in helping both the CCC and local authorities to reach these critical targets, reducing landfill, waste exports, and helping us all to make much more of our common waste.