- Amanda
- June 29, 2016
Overcoming construction site access problems

Wouldn’t it be great if all you had to consider on your building and construction projects were your core areas of expertise?
But as we all know, most projects come with a range of hurdles that have to be given due consideration and overcome, usually before any actual construction can take place.
Access problems
In our increasingly densely populated island, a major issue these days is that of restricted site access and the impact it can have either on adjacent properties, or people in the area. And this is an issue as much for residential as it is for commercial projects. Whether you are battling with existing features that must be retained, such as walls hedges, adjacent buildings, waterways – or the logistical nightmare of the transfer and movement of materials in and around the site itself – all these considerations have a bearing on cost, whether that is in time, people or machinery.
Making savings and improving site access
But there are ways of making savings and improving your site access problems, a major one of which is a conveyor belt system. The availability of modular and manoeuvrable conveyor belt systems has been embraced by many forward thinking building and construction companies, as a solution to problems of access that in the past would have been insurmountable.
The advatages of a modular conveyor system:
- They can be configured to solve most problems of access, whether it’s around, over or under obstacles
- They can speed up the transfer of materials both in and out of sites with restricted access
- They can save money on labour
- They can save money on machinery
- They can improve overall site logistics and deliveries of materials
- They can reduce delays and downtime
- They can improve health and safety
- They are easy to install and operate

Get in touch
Why not let Coveya see how much time and money you could save?